With another school year on the horizon, restocking the supply cabinet is a customary first step in prepping for your brand new class. LD Products has everything you need to start the school year off right, with this convenient teacher essentials supplies checklist. If you are looking for a new printer for the school year, be sure to check out our classroom printer buying guide too!
- Blue, black or red pens
- Pencils
- Mechanical Pencils
- Pencil sharpener
- Highlighters
- Erasers
- Three-ring binder
- Composition Notebook
- Subject dividers
- Index cards
- Folders
- Graphing Calculator
- Weekly Planner
- Notebook Filler Paper
- Sticky Notes
- White Out
- Stapler
- Staples
- Staple remover
- Index Cards
- Tape Flags
- Printer
- Ink Cartridges
- Portable whiteboards
- Dry erase markers
- Gradebooks
- Paper clips
- Three-hole-punch
- Copy paper
- Construction paper
- Disinfecting wipes
- Clipboards
- Paint
- Facial Tissue
- Disinfecting Wipes